Psychoanalytic Psychodrama
- presentation - Talat Parman
- preface - Zehra Karaburçak Ünsal
- what is individual psychoanalytic psychodrama - Patrick Delaroche
- play and narcissism: the concept of the double in psychodrama - Yves Manela
- psychoanalytic psychodrama in adolescence - Michel Weinstadt
- when shadows take the scene - Nevzat Uçtum Muhtar - Hülya Deniz
- psychodrama and adoption - Agnès Lauras Petit
- transitional process and psychodrama - Nevin Eracar
- time, space, limits and aggression in psychotherapy - Behice Boran
- the beginning and development of psychodrama in Turkey - Arşaluys Kayır
other topics
- on the power of aging - François Villa
- what is ‘new’ in psychoanalysis? - Talat Parman
- introduction to the theory of the real - Ceylin Özcan