Donald W. Winnicott
- presentation - Talat Parman
- preface - Elda Abrevaya
- the creation of the subject in the intermediary space between the baby and the mother: a look at winnicott's works - Raşit Tükel
- from pediatrics to psychoanalysis; from nature of humanity to psychoanalytical explorations - Dilek Özer
- integration/ unintegration/ disintegration - Levent Kayaalp
- regression in winnicott’s theory - Elda Abrevaya
- violence and guilt on in winnicott’s theory - Zehra Karaburçak Ünsal
- adolescence in winnicott’s theory - Talat Parman
- your attitudes with me is more important than the words - Philippe Jaeger / translated by Özge Erşen
- primitive emotional development - donald w. winnicott / translated by Dilek Özer, Perge Akgün, Suzi Mizrahi
- between winnicott and lacan: reclaiming the subject of psychoanalysis - Lewis Allen Kirshner / translated by Nergis Aküzüm, Peykan Gökalp
other topics
- the authenticity of friendship and the structuring function of transference in adolescence - François Richard / translated by Levent Mete
- psychoanalysis and reality: internal and external reality in psychoanalysis and phantasm - Talat Parman
- in memory of yoram hazan; yoram hazan’s biography - Bessi Meshulam
- ferenczi to kohut: from confusion of tongues to self-object - Yoram Hazan / çeviren: Ayşe Kurtul