Psychoanalysis and Boundaries
- prensentation - Talat Parman
- preface - Tevfika Tunaboylu-İkiz
- the borderline functionings: which borders? - Catherine Chabert / translated by Zeren Okçuoğlu-Talat Parman
- on the borders of psychoanalysis: margaret i. little’s analysis with winnicott - Talat Parman
- the concept of border between the psyche and the body; the drives and their consequences in the psychosomatic theory - Tevfika Tunaboylu-Ikiz
- the attraction towards the unlimited: the oceanic sensation, psychosis and temporality - Liliane Abensour / translated by Neslihan Zabcı
other topics
- illness without a name - Marianne Baudin / translated by Burçin Alsancak Sönmez
- the subject: from freud to lacan - Talat Parman
- problematic on the child-parent relationships and postpartum psychopathology - Maria Clelia Zurlo / translated by Peren Kistak
- postmodern psychoanalysis in the USA - H. Gunther Perdigao / translated by İrem Erdem Atak