Psychoanalysis and Ethics
- presentation - Talat Parman
- preface - M.Levent Kayaalp
- between freud and ferenczi… an old discussion about the ethics of the psychoanalyst - Talat Parman
- ethics in psychoanalysis or the ego ideal Of the psychoanalyst - Vehbi Keser
- ethics of the psychoanalyst - Paul Denis
- the early history of boundary violations in psychoanalysis - Glen O. Gabbard / translated by Pınar Padar
- "don't run after prosperity!" psychoanalysis, ethics and superego - Özgür Öğütcen
- an intellectual desire: psychoanalysis without the couch - Pınar Padar
other topics
- adolescence, narcissism with all its forms - Michel Vincent / translated by Perge Akgün
- depression and nostalgia - Paul Denis / translated by Zeren Okçuoğlu - Talat Parman